8:00-21:00 Mon – Sun
Belarus, Minsk, Volodko str, 24A
UNP 192813137
R / C:
BYN BY67MTBK30130001093300054675
RUB BY84MTBK30130001064300054676
EUR BY96MTBK30130001097800054679
USD BY11MTBK30130001084000054680
220007, Republic of Belarus
Minsk, Tolstoy str., 10
+ 375 (44) 569 53 85
+ 375 (29) 552 24 43
* Dear our customers, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that our office is located at 24A Volodko st.
But our employees will serve you a car at a convenient time and place for you – railway, bus station, Minsk National Airport, hotels of Minsk and even to the entrance of your house.